Appalachian State University Transfer Partnership
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App State Vet Tech Transfer Partnership
This program assures admission to Appalachian State’s Veterinary Technology program for graduates of Central Carolina Community College’s (在线电子游戏网赌) Veterinary Medical Technology program.
Benefits include:
- Assured admission to Appalachian State’s Veterinary Technology program
- Transfer of u to 67 hours from 在线电子游戏网赌’s Veterinary Medical Technology program
- Completion of the program entirely online
Program Mission
The mission is to create a seamless pathway for 在线电子游戏网赌 Veterinary Medical Technology graduates to transfer into Appalachian State’s Veterinary Technology program.
Entrance Requirements
To be eligible, students must:
- Be graduates of 在线电子游戏网赌’s Associate in Applied Science Veterinary Medical Technology program (grades of less than a “C” will not transfer)
After application, 在线电子游戏网赌 students who wish to participate in the agreement should contact the Appalachian State University program director of Veterinary Technology and Transfer Admissions and Engagement at (828) 262-7877 or transfer@appstate.edu to inform of their intent to enroll.
To apply, complete the Appalachian State Transfer Application.